Discover the Easiness of Learning with

Advanced technology and enhanced learning methods to guide you through a seamless training process, affirming expertise, course tracking and assured security.
Our support team is always ready to lend you a hand. Reach out to know more about IPIX cloud-based LMS.
API Integration

Creating Unique Learning Experience

IPIX LMS API Integration

Integrate your LMS with any other system with powerful APIs or Application Program Interface. It features task automation improving the learner experience with a single login and access to all platforms. API integration with a learning record store helps to track and connect between analytics.
api integration ipix lms
ipix lms api integration

Custom Integration

API integration in LMS facilitates seamless integration of various systems in the background. It provides automatic communication and frictionless transfer of data between apps.

API Integration Benefits

LMS with an API integration has saved firms from hectic manual tasks and allows to save time increasing the range and depth of data, insights and reports. Some of the benefits of using APIs in IPIX LMS are as follows:
  1. Automated tasks and user load in.
  2. Better learning experience
  3. Link to payment gateway
  4. Reduced time spent on manual access to modules
  5. Allows to track and connect analytics
  6. Increased data visualization
api ipix lms

Perfect solution for all your modern workforce

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